Pro Loco di Montefollonico
our territory
About us
The Proloco of Montefollonico was born on April 27th 2016 from an idea of the Municipality of Torrita di Siena and the 4 associations: the Cultural Center of Montefollonico, the Multipurpose Center of Montefollonico, the A.S.D. Polisportiva Montanina and the A.S.D. Montefollonico match officials. The official headquarter is located in Via Ansano Landucci at no. 32, in the ancient Palazzo Pretorio of the town.

Nel cuore della Valdichiana Senese, la destinazione del benessere italiana, a due passi da Montepulciano e Pienza, scoprite i borghi di Torrita e Montefollonico.